My name is Katherine, and I’m a widow. Life has been hard since I lost my husband, especially financially. I was struggling to make ends meet, and it felt like the walls were closing in on me.

That’s when one of my friends suggested I try trading at home. “You have all the time in the world,” she said. “Why not put some of your hard-earned money to work?” So, feeling desperate and uncertain, I began to research different trading options.
That’s when I stumbled across OnyxTraders, an online platform for trading currencies, commodities and stocks. The website was simple and straightforward, and the tutorials were easy to understand. It was everything I was looking for. I took a deep breath, opened my account and started trading.
At first, I was cautious and explored various currencies, commodities and indices. I found a lot of opportunities, and the profits were encouraging too.
As I gained confidence, I took bigger trades and made greater profits. I never thought I could do it, but I’ve managed to make a respectable amount of money.
I’ve been trading with this platform for almost two years now, and it’s been a great learning experience. I started small, but I’m trading confidently now, and I’ve made approximately $4,000 in total profits.
My favourite trades have been in the ruble against the Euro, Dollar, Gold and Oil. It’s been an incredible journey, and I’m positive about my prospects.
The platform has provided me with a platform that is easy to understand and use. Their customer care team has been incredibly helpful with answering any queries I’ve had, and the tutorials are unmissable for any beginner.
I’m sure for all of us, the concept of success in trading is something we’re all striving towards. But it’s no secret that the journey it takes to get there can often be daunting and filled with roadblocks and pitfalls. Some of us can easily find our way, while others can find themselves overwhelmed and lost.
Me, I’m grateful I’ve been able to find an invaluable aid in my journey to successful trading, and that is my dedicated account manager at this platform, Marc Feuer. My initial fears of getting into the trading market are no longer present because I have Marc by my side each and every step of the way.

From day one, Marc has been honest and helpful with me, taking the time to answer all my questions and provide me with the guidance I need. He never hesitates to let me know when I’m making a good decision or even when I might be taking on too much risk.
But the most special thing about Marc is his ability to give me the right trading strategies at the right time. He always goes above and beyond to find the best strategies and approaches to help me maximize my profits.
Overall, the services I have received from Marc, and the platform as a whole, have been nothing short of remarkable. Whenever I feel overwhelmed or uncertain of my next move, I can always count on Marc and the team to come through for me.
It’s like having my own personal, highly-trained personal assistant with me all the time. This platform has been that guide for me, helping to shape me into a better trader day by day, and for that, I am truly grateful.