As a fresh graduate, I was feeling both excited and anxious to start my career, but I was clueless as to where to start. Everywhere I looked, advertisements and job openings asked for experience. I felt frustrated and disheartened, knowing I had no experience to offer any employers.

One day while browsing the internet, I came across the world of trading. I had heard about trading before but knew very little. I decided to make a move and start trading. Hopefully, it could be a way to turn my financial situation around.
I tried out many different platforms, yet none of them yielded any profits or gave me any proper information when it came to trading. My frustration was growing, and I was about to give up when I stumbled upon the OnyxTraders platform.
This platform was unlike any of the other ones I had tried. Immediately, I felt hopeful. Here, I was taught information about what trading really is and more importantly, how to do it properly.

I was never one for making investments, but I decided to give it a shot when I heard about the potential profits to be made in the stock markets and by investing in altcoins. I had a feeling I could double my current savings in no time and make a great return on my investments.
So I did the necessary research, talked to my account manager, Bryan Brooks and invested in some altcoins and a few stocks, such as Amazon and Google. At first, I was very impatient, and my account manager kept telling me to be patient and trust the process. Eventually, I started seeing growth in my account.
I watched as the value of my investments steadily rose, and initially, I was making small gains of about 1%. I then started seeing larger profits coming in until one day when I saw an unbelievable 8% profit in my account. I was over the moon, jumping and screaming with joy.
My original 8% profit seemed small and meagre compared to the success I was now achieving. Through research and taking risks, I increased my return on investments to a much higher amount. I could hardly believe it – investing was now not only profitable but also exciting.
I was always cautious when making investments, but I was always rewarded for taking calculated risks. I was now more comfortable when making investment decisions, and my portfolio had grown significantly.
I was thankful for my account manager’s advice and for my initial success rate of a return on my investments of 8%. It had been the perfect starting point and gave me the confidence to keep going, allowing my investment portfolio to grow even more.
The profits I’ve made gave me enough confidence to start looking for a job and kick off my career. OnyxTraders opened the door for me to start my first venture into the world of online trading, and I am proud to have started my career there.